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Holistic Living in the Current Age of Enlightenment and Educational Infrastructural Innovation

In the age of Civil Rights, activism, prejudice, and forms of harmful separation, it becomes clear that focus must be redirected to solution based conversations and topics. By going inward and facing self and the actions that one takes in everyday life, the livelihood of the Soulaani Afro Black American improves as a ripple effect. Family structure, work environment, school settings, and community gatherings all benefit when the collective of individuals take time to assess self primarily then interact with others secondarily after self reflection. Students, interns, and first time hires gain immediate insight as they enter new forms of interacting with the world in professional environments. Having a sense of self from the beginning assists greatly as one moves forward in later aspects of life. Discuss these concepts with peers and those who are of influence to discover how the other observes the benefit of having knowledge of self wholly and fully, including genetically and through their bloodline.

Knowing the basis of self - whether physically, spiritually, emotionally, mentally, or other - and those around and related to oneself provides clarity necessary to make sound decisions. Think of giving a gift that is NOT of interest to the receiver. Is the receiver wrong for NOT enjoying or using the gift if it is not of interest or use to them? Absolutely NOT. The giver must be fully conscious of the gift that they are giving to the receiver for there to be harmony in the interaction. That is how governments and educators must treat students in order for there to be stabilizing mindsets in professional and economic environments. Families and community organizations prioritize these concepts for there to be union and love amongst the group. Relatives and beliefs are strong bonds, however, inner work is necessary just as well as physical actions to put on events and visit other individuals.

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This is what happens when people are starved and deprived of necessary information for a fulfilling livelihood.

It is always easy to complain about the Afro American citizen; media shows the lowest vibrational behavior of ebony personalities, while also displaying other ethnicities treating Afro Aboriginal individuals unfairly with seemingly no remorse nor reprimand. The constant “hustle” to success is discouraging to many from this particular demographic. Who is to blame? Who is responsible for correction? More importantly, how will youth be educated for proper awareness and innovative thought forms in order to prevent this plight and cycle of depravity?

Black People Complain Too Much: Solutions Are Not Available/Expressed Affectively

Tiara Elise Hatley

Marine Flow Blog

Social Studies: Humanities/African American Studies

4/4/2024; April 4, 2024

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Students don’t like teachers?

Vice versa? Despite the role of educators in civilization, there still seems to be a disconnect ensuring that all students are properly educated and ready for life. “Behaviorism is a theory that focuses on observable changes in behavior to explain learning. It defines learning as an enduring change in behavior that occurs as a result of experience,” ([Schunk, 2016; Skinner, 1953] Paul Eggen; Don Kauchak, 2010). In Using Educational Psychology in Teaching, the authors and other researchers they have studied from have realized that learning is much deeper than observing material in a classroom. “The principles of operant conditioning can be adapted to manage your own behavior (Miltenberger, 2011; Watson & Tharp, 2007) … Identify the activity you want to change … Remember the principle of shaping and set realistic goals for gradual improvement on each successive week,” (Dennis Coon; John Mitterer, 2011). In Psychology: A Journey University of Memphis, Coon and Mitterer, along with authors they mentioned, emphasize that developing new habits is the foundation of behavior, which coincides with education. “Trust is essential when building a better relationship,” (Ralph Smart, 2013).  In Feel Alive, Smart, a degree holder in psychology and criminology, emphasized the concept of trust.

Effective Education: Ensuring Comprehensive Excellence Through Psychology

Tiara Elise Hatley

Marine Flow Blog

Psychology: Social Studies, Language Arts

4/13/2024; April 13, 2024

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VooDoo Economics is TRUE economics.

Despite speculation that all or majority of business owners desire to take advantage of employees, it remains true that if the company does well overall that employees also benefit. The trickle-down effect (VooDoo Economics) is shunned upon at times due to lack of transparency in company culture. Discussions such as these only exist, however, due to corporate greed and unfulfilled career paths. When focus is shifted from profits, cutbacks, and layoffs to personality and natural gift alignment, the passion behind the worker creates a more generous being which translates into company culture. “Follow your passion” is a phrase that is often used, yet rarely followed.

Occupation Order: Caring Career Choices & Certifications

Tiara Elise Hatley

Marine Flow Blog

Social Studies; Economics/Career

4/24/2024; April 24, 2024

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“Get over it. Your feelings don’t matter.”

This narrative and attitude was used to survive from before the 1900’s to the 2000’s as an Indigenous person in the United States. In a space where Web3 and AI (artificial intelligence) technology thrive and evolve, it is safe to say that ignorant arguments surrounding racism soon dissipate. With robots entering the environment and civilization, all citizens have left is their humanity; healing trauma wounds is the only way to maintain a sense of being as unconscious beings become more prevalent in daily life. Several generations after slavery and segregation, the Afro Indigenous American must face the facts of unhealed trauma due to putting on a facade for other citizens in the country. It is not the fault of the Afro Aboriginal individual for masking themselves in attire and appearances for acceptance to excel in a country built against their development; surviving being used for the evolution of the United States while not being accepted created a huge aspect of resentment for many in the country.

Why Bypassing was Necessary for Indigenous Production: Healing from the Stagnancy it Later Caused

Tiara Elise Hatley

Marine Flow Blog

Emotional Trauma, Humanities/Psychology & Behavior

5/11/202; May 11, 2024

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Alopecia is a condition that can cause in most cases severe hair loss, sometimes the hair loss is not only just seen on the scalp it can be seen in other areas of the body like the face, underarms and anywhere else you grow hair on the body.

There are forms of Alopecia that are caused by tension and manipulation while others are caused by autoimmune diseases. There are many different types of Alopecia , but in this specific literature piece were are going to be discussing three different types of Alopecia specifically, traction Alopecia , Alopecia areata and telogen effluvium, which is the medical term for postpartum hair loss. There are many ways in western medicine that Alopecia is treated but no one really talks about the extremely effective and safe holistic remedies that are out there and have been around for centuries as well as preventative measures that can be taken as well. Traction Alopecia is a form of hair loss that is typically self inflicted.This particular form of alopecia can be caused by wearing various tight styles ,over a long period of time. This form of hairloss is a result of damage to the dermal papilla ,which is most commonly known as the hair follicle.

Alopecia : What is it ? Different Types of alopecia and Holistic Treatments and remedies

Alize Clark

Marine flow Blog

Hair Loss and Holistic treatments

05 july 2024

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Pirate gardeners of this generation!

What the heck is a pirate gardener? Pirates are known for far sea exploration while gardeners are known to grow crops and generate compost. So what in the heck do they have in common? “Another man’s trash is another man’s treasure,” is exactly what they have in common! Pirates utilize their strong will and exploration skills to find lost treasures in other lands while gardeners utilize science to turn trash food and decomposable resources into soil for more food.

Compost & Waste Transmutation and Alchemy Training: Turning One Man’s Trash Into Underwater Kingdom Treasure

Tiara Elise Hatley

Marine Flow Blog

Gardening & Agriculture/Space & Marine Exploration

July 7, 2024; 7/7/2024

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Authors mentioned:

Tiara Elise Hatley

Topics written: Social Studies: Humanities/African American Studies - Psychology: Social Studies, Language Arts - Economics/Career - Emotional Trauma, Humanities/Psychology & Behavior - Gardening & Agriculture/Space & Marine Exploration


Alize Clark

Topics written: Hair Loss and Holistic treatments


Take a look at the previous and first blog. Download the PDF versions for FREE!



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