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Connection in the Heavens While Existing on Earth: Gaia and God Worship Through Daily Living

Updated: Apr 8

Worship tends to be exclusive to visiting a physical building while communing with groups of people. True connection with the planet, Gaia, and the aethers, God, requires intentional action through daily living. Whether intentional or not, spiritual connection happens through routine habits on a daily basis. Awareness of said spiritual activity is necessary as only so much time and effort can be spent at a physical location.

Daily life needs to acknowledge righteous behavior first and foremost in all decisions. By introducing these topics to your class and colleagues, the discussions surrounding who and what "God" actually is to a person can create intriguing and deep comprehension of what is truly a relationship to The Divine.

Readers, educators, and executives can get full access to the blog's essays by reading the first publishing's details. Read here to see details and scroll to the bottom of this blog for a copy of the previous blog for a printable version of the publishing. The PDF can be shared with those interested in discussing topics such as these for FREE.


Philosophy is the origin of religion.

Cosmic experiences happen with an individual, said individual documents their experience, that experience is then repeated, and others adopt the experience and form a routine practice. That is essentially how religion is formed, and cultures are shaped based on those specific beliefs. How is it then, that members of the exact same religion have varieties of experiences or completely polar opposite experiences? Without claiming that one religion is true or false, one “God” is real and others are fantasy, people experience delusions instead of spiritual experiences, the fact of the matter is that spiritual belief is vital to structure in society. Existence itself is based in service of a greater whole; many individuals make up pieces of a whole, which all religions and spiritual practices emphasize.

Revitalizing Faith: Traveling with “God” in All Realms of the Multiverse

Tiara Elise Hatley

Marine Flow Blog

Humanities; Religion/Philosophy

2/5/2024; February 5, 2024

Read this full essay, or the AI enhanced version, by selecting below!

Initiatives and ideas centered around acceleration ...

History shows that Afro Americans and Indigenous Beings were displaced as countries developed. Leveling the playing field by encouraging safe community units and roles curates the opportunity to evolve past marginalization and oppression. Creating these opportunities, community gardens and roles in the organization itself, gives ethnic groups in the United States the chance to see past the everyday neighborhoods that have been redlined by oppressive citizens of the country. Eli, the author and collaborator, grew up as an entrepreneur and supporter of Afro American Enterprise. Her parents continue to support local and “black owned” businesses as they run their own businesses as well.

Literacy for the Marginalized Through Gardening

Anaya Carter, Tiara Elise Hatley

Marine Flow Blog/Ambition Accelerator

Social Studies; Oppression/Literacy

2/14/2024; February 14. 2024

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Hair is spiritual with magick powers???

That statement may appear to be outlandish, however, throughout history, hair (ether) has always served a deeper purpose than a nice style or even warmth tool. Body hair is also included, as hair may stand up on the skin as a sign of danger or shock. This is also related to what is referred to as “intuition” or spiritual guidance. When concerning instincts, it is rather simple to grasp the concept of fur being utilized as a tool of survival. Because the humanoid being has adapted technologically, beings have depended less on natural instincts and more on external devices for survival.

Aethers and Astral Work with Ether

Alize Clark , Tiara Elise Hatley

Marine Flow Blog

Social Studies; Spirituality/Science

2/23/2024; February 23. 2024

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Reading books decreases illnesses!

Yes, education decreases all issues within a society! This is done through decreasing the ignorance around how certain ailments are developed and/or created. Mental illnesses, physical illnesses, spiritual illnesses, and emotional illnesses are issues expanded through ignorance. Proper education is how to correct problems that are root causes of said issues. “Since then, it has been widely accepted that ... many phobias begin as a conditioned emotional response (CER), or learned emotional reaction to a previously neutral stimulus (Dr. Dennis Coon & Dr. John O. Mitterer).

Education Decreases Cultural Deficiencies and Illnesses

Tiara Elise Hatley

Marine Flow Blog

Social Studies; Psychology/Cultural Development

2/25/2024; February 25, 2024

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Many Afro Aboriginal Americans WISH for reparations and what the wealth could do for their family.

While the majority of essays are written in third person, I will be speaking from a first person point of view from time to time here. My family has generational wealth, yet they are terrible, sick people. History for Aboriginal Afro Americans is always bleak as the start of this country was stolen land and people. The brutal torture was to be repaid in forms of wealth for a start to a new life. Most were scammed from this privilege, and still struggle to the decade of the 2020s just to know the possible forms of accumulating wealth – when a baseline was owed to them originally.

Families and How History Made Them Toxic: I Have Reparations, and It Contributed Nothing.

Tiara Elise Hatley

Marine Flow Blog

Social Studies; Family Dynamics

3/9/2024; March 9, 2024

Read this full essay, or the AI enhanced version, by selecting below!


Authors mentioned:

Tiara Elise Hatley

Topics written: Humanities; Religion/Philosophy - Social Studies; Oppression/Literacy - Social Studies; Spirituality/Science - Social Studies; Psychology/Cultural Development - Social Studies; Family Dynamics


Alize Clark

Topics written: Social Studies; Spirituality/Science


Anaya Carter


Take a look at the previous and first blog. Download the PDF version for FREE!


Daily life needs to acknowledge righteous behavior first and foremost in all decisions.


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