We all know the phrase “your network is your net worth,” but how true is it?
Dapper 2023
Chivalrous Gentlemen / Graceful Gals
As we shift in consciousness, our circle of influence shifts as well. As we develop a better life for ourselves, we attract those that do the same. Do people always stay in your network? Not at all. Some people are here for a season and teach us a lesson. We are to be grateful for those lessons and become wiser by utilizing those lessons to better our future.
By networking with those in your chosen field, you cross roads with those who can teach you, hire you, elevate you, inspire & influence you, and partner with you in some way. Even those not directly in your chosen field can do the same by being an asset to your mission / business.
The year of 2023 is to be spent educating yourself and networking with those of a higher caliber than yourself, to be of service to them and receive value back - even if from another source and not that person directly. Find those in your field and vendors in that space who are smarter, more skilled, more wealthy, and better connected than you are. This will make your 2024 (the 8 year; the year of abundance) a BREEZE and easy to dominate your chosen field.