Imagine paradise
A place of beautiful beings
Imagine paradise
Do you know what I mean?
Imagine a land here
Where no one has fear
Imagine an atmosphere
With high levels of cheer
Imagine paradise
C’mon, let’s manifest
Bring a land into the world
Where the righteous can rest
Imagine luscious land
Imagine greenery
Imagine animals
Imagine beach scenes
Let’s manifest this world
For our children to see
Let’s manifest this world
Now we all are free!
Read this poem daily. Speak it, sing it, rap it, remix it!
Use this poem and your own creativity to manifest going off grid and removing yourself from the matrix. Visualize living in a beautiful place and living off the land, independent from low vibrational forces.
Also, read the previous post about using creativity to manifest. Read previous posts about what this lifestyle looks like and how to achieve it.
Manifestation Post