Private islands built with a similar model to floating islands — foundation built from recycled materials. Minimum one square mile area & volume size.
Island has portal/elevator to the sea/ocean floor. Surface has farmland, primarily birch trees for oxygen and fresh water. Oxygen & water are filtered to the bottom of the sea floor, along with an elevator for travel.
On the sea floor is a 4+ layered dome — plexiglass for protection and structural purposes. Citizens are able to travel trough each layer, which are at least 1+ acre apart.
Oxygen first filters to the first dome, and flows through all domes. Water is filtered directly to the mainland dome.
Elevator is used for travel to the surface; travelers can enjoy the surface greenery & foliage. Farmers work the land, transporters work the elevator delivery system, travelers vacation with the yacht/cruise to other surface level environments. Citizens are able to own aqua vehicles to travel to different countries independently.
Sea level city/environment holds under 1,000,000 citizens. Primary occupation is seawater conservation and pollution reduction; citizens use submarines (located on sea level outside of the furthest dome layer) to clean the surface of the ocean and use the materials for recycling. Information from submarine travel is used for research purposes; information is documented by video, analyzed, and presented in print/PDF to ocean & space travel companies that are funding/sponsoring the underwater city.
Sponsors/finders provide resources and funding in exchange for video footage, discovered valuable items that are not used by the underwater city, and analysis research essays & books. Information is used for scientific discovery books, documentaries, video media series, and entertaining movies. Partnerships are with independent film producers exclusively. Major film industries can only share profits through assisting in marketing, advertising, and distribution.
Ideal citizen is millennial or younger, entrepreneur, investor, aboriginal/indigenous being (although not a requirement), Web3 informed (as it is a requirement to comprehend under water), and is aware of occult knowledge and practices.