As High Vibrational Beings who care for this planet, we must be in tune with the plans of the opposing.
We realize that this is an on going battle with those low in frequency. By taking care of this planet (growing gardens and farms, meditating, eating high vibe foods, peeing/pooping in nature, grounding ourselves in meditation), we balance the good energy with the bad energy.
It’s time to TIP THE SCALE! The planet has been out of balance for so long with excessive amounts of negative energy, so we must go out of our way to do more for the planet and spread the message to others.
By knowing the plan of the low vibing beings, we’re able to make others aware and give preparation tactics for them & ourselves.
By 2025 & 2026, the world plans to have another “pandemic” and have digital fiat currency in major countries. The after effects of the 2020 pandemic are JUST NOW wearing off. There are already test runs of digital currency in many MAJOR countries, including the United States.
We innerstand and comprehend that these are PLANS of the enemy and NOT “nature running its course.” Nature wants us flourishing outside, not quarantining in houses and apartments.
Buying land, being near water, building/digging underground, and being in tune with earth and sea creatures are ways for us to bring more balance to the planet. We are tipping the scale to bring more good to the planet. Our energy, and sharing it with others, is what will keep ourselves and those who love humanity in positive spirits and prepared for anything.
We need to:
Buy farmland
Buy land near water (literally on beach and river shores)
Buy boats and yachts
Buy helicopters
Study submarines and travel via water
Study plants that grow underground (that don’t need much sunlight)
Study the long term effects of being underground (similar - but not exactly - to mineral minors)
By having this in mind, we can elevate our income and have a lifestyle goal in mind. We are wealthy beings who use our resources to take care of the planet.
Peace and Unity to all High Vibrational Beings
SEERS 2025 👁️
Watch this for more spiritual context 👁️